>Playing Catch Up

>I’m playing catch up on our adventures over this last month since Samuel was born. Can you believe it’s almost been a month!

We’ve painted our toes

Face Painting.We’re not as skilled as other people yet, but we’ll get there.

It’s rare that I’m not the one behind the camera

Of course there has been babywearing.

Playing at the park with family & friends.




There was a Harborfest last weekend. Lots of food, music & games.
We stumbled on a water area with tons of other kids splashing around.


I needed to nurse Samuel so I sat down, and a lady asked me if I needed some shade. I told her we didn’t know where to find any shade, and she says “my boat is right here, come on in for the A/C and relax for a while”
Her boat was literally right there. It was the first one in the long line of boats.
We had never been on a boat like that before. It was really nice.
Charles took pictures.

She was really nice for doing that. Her husband gave us several bottles of water. I nursed Samuel, the girls played, and we talked. I overheard her tell her husband that she wasn’t going to let me nurse my baby out in the heat like that. It was really hot that day, so those 30 minutes of air and a comfy place to sit were very welcomed.




We made cupcakes. I couldn’t eat any, but the girls had fun icing them.

10 thoughts on “>Playing Catch Up

  1. >summer seems to be off to a good start and it sounds like the girls and Samuel are having a great time. It's been a long since I was on and it feels to start with your site and seeing pictures of you, your husband, the girls and your new little boy.

  2. >you've been more places this month than I've been all year…and with three kids! I've got to stop making excuses and get out more! love the pics. that lady with the boat was a blessing right in the nick of time!

  3. >Wow! How nice of her to invite you onto the boat to nurse. Now that is nursing in style 🙂 It looks like you all are having a blast this summer. We went to our local fountain play area yesterday (like the one in one of your pics above) – last year Kieran was more scared of the water, this year he had so much fun. I love seeing the development change from season to season 🙂

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