Mama’s Timeout

As mother’s we’re often busy taking care of everyone else, and rarely do we take the time to do something for ourselves.
It can be 30 minutes – or two hours. Taking this time recharges my soul, and helps me to be a better mother.
Link up your blog post or photo sharing the mama’s timeout you took for yourself this week.

photo taken at a stop light

I am sad to say that I wasn’t able to carve out any time for myself this week. We’ve been very busy this past week. The girls activities, co-op, four wall hunting. I was able to get some knitting in at Kiah’s soccer practice, and in the car here and there.

I wasn’t able to read any, well, I read several blogs, but I’m not counting that. I’m looking for a good fiction book. I like romance and mystery….what do you suggest?

Oh me, oh my, I definitely need to make some mama time happen next week.Who know’s….maybe I’ll get some time in tomorrow. If so, I’ll update here by tomorrow evening.

What about you? Were you able to take some time for yourself?

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Love Notes