Copy-Kids DVD Review & Giveaway – Fruits and Veggies


I don’t know a parent out there that has at one time or another worried about the amount of fruits and vegetables their kids eat. Mine have always loved select fruits…grapes, bananas, apples, oranges. And even a few vegetables….Samuel likes green beans, Ava loves collard greens, and Nakiah’s favorite is broccoli with melted cheese.

I have always been of the thought that as long as they are eating fruits and veggies throughout the week, then we’re good. They don’t have to eat them all day every day.
When I came across Copy-Kids I  was skeptical that a dvd could really entice my children to try more fruits and vegetables.

Copy-Kids has a dvd geared toward children from 6 months-5 years old. It’s divided into 12 segments…half fruit and the other half vegetables.
When we started watching and I saw the segments of kids, as cute was they are, sitting there alone enjoying what they were eating I was thinking “Oh please! Are they serious?”
The company knew what they were talking about when they said to make sure you have lots of fruits and veggies on hand….your kids will ask for them!

Peppers, raspberries, watermelon, carrot sticks were all tried by my kids at one point. They would get excited when a kid came on screen eating something they already liked. “Look mom…she likes apples too!
You can see from the picture above what segment Samuel likes best.
They’ve asked to watch the fruit and veggie dvd as they call it countless times now.

Still not convinced? Check out the Copy-Kids Press Page. They’ve also got backing from the USDA

Copy-Kids is giving away a copy of their dvd to one of my readers!
Just enter a comment below on your kids favorite or least favorite fruit/vegetable.
*As always-for extra entries you can share on Facebook or Twitter and leave a separate comment letting me know you did so.*

**Winner will be announced within this post next Saturday. Email required so that I can contact you.**

Julamber is the winner! Thank you all for entering.

10 thoughts on “Copy-Kids DVD Review & Giveaway – Fruits and Veggies

  1. I have an 8 yr old brother who is determined not to eat ANY FRUITS OR VEGGIES ever. LOL now my 1yr old son, being raised vegan, LOVES fruits and veggies. His favorite this week seems to be peaches and surprisingly kale. It was hard to get him to eat greens at first but I added a few herbs and now he can’t get enough. 🙂 I’d love to see this DVD in action. Thanks for sharing this post it’s definitely a twitter/Facebook share post:-)

  2. Pingback: all is well | The Mahogany Way

  3. The wee one loves Veggie Tales! We have a cd that is played [over and over and over] in the car whenever we travel.
    Her favorite vegetable is hands down carrots! I keep a whole drawer full of them so we never run out. A close second? Tomatoes and she picked most of mine right of the plants to eat.

Love Notes