Thrifting. Gardening. And a Mud Fight.

I went thrifting Saturday after we left a Simply Fun party at my friend, Amy’s. Picked up a few pieces for Samuel, but the majority was for myself. I love a good thrift store! No more Salvation Army or Goodwill….they charge to much for their items, and most of the clothes look like they should be in the garbage, not on the rack.

Several of my friends told me about thrift store usa, so that’s where I went. Alone. I had already picked up a few dresses for the girls from there some weeks ago.

I couldn’t wait to step out in my new $8 total outfit on Sunday….again, alone. Isn’t my purse adorable? I love pink with just about any color.


I still don’t have my garden set up the way I want. Hoping to have the husband help me with that Wednesday. I did manage to get soil, some lavender and garlic chives seeds. Oh, and marigold seeds. We planted the herbs in small containers yesterday, and I broke down and purchased a tomato plant….I killed mine. Maybe I’ll try from seeds again later.

The Canna lilies have big beautiful buds on them. They grow everyday. The girls are excited to see them open. They keep asking me when, and I tell them soon.



The kids had a mud fight. I think Samuel got the worst of it, but he was loving it!



That was our weekend in a nutshell.

How was yours?

p.s. I’ve decided to stop my short run with mama’s timeout. It’s such a fight lately to get out as much as I want, so I’m not fighting anymore, but(working on)accepting what is at the moment.

9 thoughts on “Thrifting. Gardening. And a Mud Fight.

  1. I love your $8 outfit and the mud fight looks great fun! It would be lovely if you’d like to link up this post and your summer gardening posts at the summer carnival. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Pingback: Project Garden Setup | The Mahogany Way

  3. Your thrifted purse looks lovely! I love thrift stores, too. They are my weekend indulgence.

    The pictures of your kids having a mud fight made me smile. So, often, parents try to prevent their kids from getting messy and muddy and “dirty.” Which, I think, is sad. Mud is fun. Mudpies and mud fights are awesome!

  4. I love seeing what people find at thrift stores. i posted about my finds from friday. i usually dont but i figured i might start. i go to goodwill a lot because there are just so many, but i dont buy clothes there often. they charge way too much like you said. however, there prices for “stuff” are sometimes not too bad. i dont think we have thrift store usa.

    • Thrifting is so much fun! You’re right that the chain thrift stores can have good prices on things like furniture, etc. I love garage and estate sales too….haven’t done much of those lately.

      Since you are an English major, please excuse all of my punctuation, and grammar mistakes ๐Ÿ™‚

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